Our Environmental Impact

As an Environmental Trust understanding our own environmental impact is very important to us. So we have, for the first time, produced a report which quantifies our environmental impact – or carbon footprint!

In the past we have calculated the environmental impact of some of our projects and services, mainly as a reporting requirement for our funders.

However this is the first time we have calculated the carbon footprint for our whole organisation. Based on our calculations our total footprint for the year was 2.6 tonnes of CO2e – the equivalent to running an average car for 6 months!

The two biggest contributory factors to our environmental impact is the use of our van and our office space, which account for approx 75% and 25% of our footprint respectively.

A more useful way of measuring our footprint is per employee which gives us a footprint of 1.1 tonnes CO2e per employee.

By starting to measure our carbon footprint we are then able to look at ways to reduce it and we will be looking at this over the coming months!

You can download the report here DRCET_EnvironmentalImpactReport_2011-12













2 thoughts on “Our Environmental Impact

  1. Pingback: Our Economic Impact «

  2. Pingback: Our latest Environmental Impact report |

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